Tuesday, April 26, 2011

On the Road Again... Paris Here We Come!!

Pleas take us we're tire of being on our backs!

Lock up your Small Furry Animals and Children! Derm and Ce are on the road again!

Well, the new backpacks are getting angry with us, they have been waiting patiently for two weeks to be packed up and carried as a result it has cost us a fortune in therapy... it's so hard to find good backpack therapists in Edmonton.

We are prepared like never before and we have a great plan... that for security reasons we cannot share.

Europe here we come! Our first posting should be Friday this week.

I have opened up this blog up so that everyone viewing it can write comments without having a Gmail address... we look forward to them.

Wish us Luck!

Derm & Ce


  1. Have a great trip guys! Am jealous of your travels and wish you the best! Remember take everything except the kitchen sink!! haha


  2. Oh yea!
    My backpack is packed, I look forward to our Europe trip. I'm logged on and raring to go. Pip pip tally ho. Good Luck Love Jan & Lar

  3. Looking forward to your European adventures I'm sure. Be safe!

    Levi & Eliz

  4. Varias veces los he posteado, pero creo q esta es la segunda vez q lo he hecho realmente
