Monday, May 2, 2011

Paris- Food, Wine, Culture and Fun

Yes Ladies and Gents we did arrive safely in Paris… and what a city it is! You may have been wondering what happened to our blog? It’s very simple the internet only works on the first and second floor of the hotel and the only place you can sit with your laptop is on the stairs… needless to say we were not too keen on doing that after a long day.

Ce and I have being going non-stop since our arrival and having lots of fun doing it; you’ll get an idea of what we have been up to with the pictures below. The French people have been very helpful and kind to us, which has really added to the great time we are having.

Paris is such a pleasure to walk around.. Museums, Art and food are the specialty here… and they even have good wine too! Our day in the Louvre Gallery was wonderful, but I never realized that the Mona Lisa was slightly larger than a postage stamp;-) We were so tired by the end of the day we couldn’t find the exit to the gallery but they had a wine bar and we had no trouble finding it after that.

We spent the last two days in the Loire Valley and Versailles… trust me you could spend a month just enjoying these regions, they are just so beautiful… mind you, we did get a little wet, but we needed a wash anyway.

The rooms in the hotel we are staying at in Paris are very small but we have a very nice balcony with a wonderful view from the 5th floor... We only use the room to shower and sleep so we don’t require much space.

We spend one more day in Paris, we plan to take in a river tour and visit the museum of modern art.
On Wednesday we are off to Rome on the second leg of our trip.

P.s. Ce got her way and got to watch the Royal Wedding but fortunately, for me, it was in French. 

Stay tuned and take care.

Derm and Ce


  1. Oh oui gay Paris!
    We were starting to wonderr WTFYW.
    Glad you are enjoying the culture and perhaps some French vino.Looks like some great sites to see. Are the backpacks happy now? Happy Trails. Love J&L

  2. What an adventure you two are having - Glad to live your adventure through your photos - Enjoy the wine and culture. luv ya - and enjoy( oh - and stay safe)
    Suz and Gordo
