Monday, May 16, 2011

Amalfi – we have always loved you… honestly!!

Stunning views, mad drivers, latin lovers and very good wine are some of the things that describe Amalfi.

Well it was quite the experience driving to the Amalfi Coast, there is a driving code that the Italians have that goes something like this:

1.     One must always have their children infected with the Ferrari Virus.
2.     Courtesy is a word that can be used in Italian, but never in practice.
3.     Happiness is a thing called speed.
4.     When in doubt, don’t yield,
5.     In traffic circles the law of the jungle applies.
6.     It’s mandatory to back up a steep hill with hairpin bends in order to pass your driving test.
7.     The bigger vehicle always wins.
8.     Pedestrians are just statistics.
9.     Park anywhere and make sure that the other cars have the minimum space required by the laws of the day.
10. It is prohibited to drive on the Amalfi coast if you suffer from vertigo.
11. There are no rules so forget the previous 10.

Not three hours into driving and I gave a little rub to the bumper of a Ricky Racer that thought he could zip across me, his car was a brand new Alfa Romeo and mine a rental Fiat.  At least in the end he shook my hand to say sorry, but there was no damage done other than a few black marks… on we go!

Ce is saying that "she wouldn't drive the Amalfi Coast for $10,000"... Quite honestly she was scared shitless on the drive.

Signing off,

Derm & Ce

View from our room 1

View from our room 2

Agerola at night

Glorious morning

Just enough room

Ce and her safety deposit box

Ready to go

Our new friend

Women and shoe shops

Good job Ce!

Cheers from Agerola

The stairway to heaven discovered
by Dermot

Blowing a kiss to you all

Beer and maps go hand in hand

1 comment:

  1. Aha! Once again the beauty is breath taking. I totally agree with you Ce, I could never drive in those circumstances. Cudos to you Derm.
    Glad to see you were not accepted at the stairway to Heaven!
    Ce we are sending you Happy Birthday Wishes (a day early, but not sure when you will get this). Enjoy, enjoy, we will drink to your safe journey. What a lovely way to spend your B.D. All our love J&L
