Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Florence, Florence why have you being hiding from us?

I hope we are not spoiling everyone by putting so many posts in one day.... One has to pace oneself and not be too greedy, in other words, look at one post per day as we will not have internet access for another three days.

We are having a marvellous time here, Ce and I are tickled pink to be here, so many sights to see and so many new things to experience.

We were told that there is not enough time in two lifetimes to experience Italy.

Ce and I are doing brilliantly, no complaints, just joy.

One comment, Jan don't get too addicted!

All our love,

Signing off,

Derm & Ce

1 comment:

  1. I tried very hard not to peek ahead at the blogs. What can I say I am an addicted greedy blog follower, living vicariously through your fabulous travels. I will be seeking counseling when you get back. We are toasting to you Ce, again Happy B.D. So sorry to have missed your call. Glad you are doing fabulously.
    I loved your poem tribute Dermot..... brought a tear or perhaps two. Oh I also want to add I see total joy in your faces, what an opportunity! xxx000 J&L
