Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oh Vienna!

Vienna brings a new meaning to the word Architecture... What an amazing place!

Well, if anyone wanted to take my odds on Cecilia cooking for me they would have lost. We booked a place outside of Vienna and there was a double booking and the owner offered us the same price for a place in the centre of Vienna... what could we do but accept... and well, well, well, what did we get but an apartment that is really a training place for high end chefs, and they had all the  spices, knives, and utensils that one can imagine... needless to say that Ce did not cook, but she did chop everything. 

I used the best pepper and salt grinders that I have ever used, they were made by a company called Chroma, I never heard of them!?

Our time in V has been great, home cooked food and a great place to stay.

We wish you were all here to share it with us.

All our love.

Signing off,

Derm & Ce

Enough room to play tennis upstairs

This is the downstairs, which we didn't use

Our apartment building

Our apartment and our rental car

Try putting this advertising in Canada

And the only money I received is what
I put in... What a pathetic beggar I am!

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear your voices, so glad we connected. The place you stayed looks absolutely grand. I could tell from your conversation Derm the excitement over the cooking facilities overwhelmed you. Isn't life grand how things work out, and for such a great price.
    The architecture does look fabulous, statues, sculptures etc. galore. One photo of the rear torso looked good enough to bite. Oops did I say that out loud.
    I hope the volcano doesn't affect further travel plans for you. Oh! I noticed in the phone call you didn't make a point of mentioning you want me to save some of the fence painting for you. LOL I'm sure it was just an over sight. Keep on treking. As always all our love J & L
