Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Land of Mozart Was Calling Us

We drove from Vienna to Salzburg today to visit the birth city of one of our favourite classical composers. It is a delectable little city perched in a valley that has so much surrounding beauty.

We arrived at about 2 p.m. and we visited the Museum of Modern Art and of course the house where Mozart lived. They have preserved the original pianos that Mozart used to compose, sorry no pictures as the picture police were all over the place, but they are so unbelievably small. The other thing that was amazing is the lack of corrections on his composition... just amazing.

The Museum of Modern Art was also quite a treat it was built on a high hill and you have two choices walk up to the Museum or take an elevator. We were so lucky because they had an exhibition of Alberto Giacometti's work which was just stunning, and the views of the city from the top were breathtaking.

Did anyone notice the absence of a backpack on Cecilia? She is on a work to rule, anything over 30 degrees and she requires a Sherpa Guide;-)

We had our first encounter with hail today when we went to buy some groceries... it was such a welcome sight after all the heat.

Tomorrow we plan to go to the house where Mozart was born and to Hellbrunn... more about this in our next blog.

Until then,

Signing off,

Derm & Ce

Welcome to Salzburg

Ce knows what it is

Outside Mozart's house

Ce alerted by my ankle bracelet

Ce showing her talent of getting out of a maze

Ce insisted on me taking this photo


Such a picturesque city

We could live here!

What a poser!

The lady dancing with child.... in my opinion.

She's very photogenic I think I'll bring
here on my next trip

Eye candy

We got here too late to visit, tomorrow
we'll see it.

They love their deserts in Europe

A fountain on the sidewalk... neat!

My new girlfriend

I lost my new girlfriend


Yum yum.... Salzburg

A dynamite scene

Lost as usual!

1 comment:

  1. Dermot & Cecilia,
    Reading your blog has inspired me and now my feet are itching to travel to Siem Reap & Vietnam. I won't have the luxury of the amount of time you have enjoyed - but any words of wisdom to pass on?
