Monday, May 23, 2011

We came to the land of Hansel and Gretel, there was nobody home so we ate the gingerbread house.

After 4 hours drive we arrived in Obdach yesterday... we had the town to ourselves. It is very quaint town that we walked around, which took us an hour, then we moved on to visit Wolfsberg, a decent sized town 25 minutes away. By the time we got back to our hotel we were exhausted.

We discovered, to our surprise, that there is no english spoken in small town Austria. While we were in Wolfsberg we were starving so we went into the nearest restaurant that was open. When we went in the menu was only in German, it may as well have been in Chinese as we couldn't recognize any of the ingredients, so we seen the owner making some donairs for another customer and we told him, we'll have two of those please.

As I was saying in our last blog, the hotel we are staying in is 400 years old and has only 14 rooms, so far our experience here has been a wonderful one... in 15 minutes we are off to Vienna and I am looking forward to the drive.

Ce, has promised to cook for me like a King when we get there. (I am accepting bets at 10:1 odds, anyone interested?)

We are almost half way through our road trip and it has been a great journey so far.

No time for comments on photo's as we have to check out.

Signing off,

Derm & Ce

1 comment:

  1. Boo hoo missed your call again! While you guys are cavorting around the globe, I am busy here having a fun time scraping and sanding the fence to repaint. I know you will be so sorry you are not here to help (I know how much you love that job). Perhaps I will save some for when you get back. LOL. Psst, Ce don't tell Derm, but if I take him up on his odds, will you cook just so I can win. LOL.
    Miss you, xxxooo J & L
