Monday, May 9, 2011

Rome = Singing a happy tune

We went to Saint Peter’s house yesterday and to our surprise, he wasn’t there… someone must have warned him that we were coming. We did get an audience with someone with an unusual way of dressing, and I’m glad that we did. We received good information from him regarding Heaven and Hell, given the fact that there is no air conditioning in Hell and you can’t bring a unit with you, I have decided that I’ll go to heaven with Ce... I wish I would have known this earlier so Ce and I could have made arrangements to travel together.

We did our own tour-by-foot yesterday, we covered at least 16 klms and we were dog-tired by the end of the day. It was marvelous to walk by the river and just wander off to the side roads to see where it would take us and absorb the architecture and sights along the way. To quote Hilary Cooper: “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away”

Today is our last full day in Rome and believe it or not we have to get some laundry done. Tomorrow we are picking up our car rental at the train station and heading up North with the first stop being the Amalfi Coast.

We’re not sure of internet availability there as we have not booked any hotels, of course we will do our best to get hotels with a connection.

Cecilia is  disappointed with the lack of comments on the blog and is telling me it's not worth the effort to keep posting;  but we both believe it is a good way of keeping track of our trip. If anyone is having trouble with the comments section of the blog please let me know.

Take Care, all our love.

Signing off,

Derm & Ce

This is the fellow that came to meet
with us in St. Peters house

Near St. Peter's House... love it!

Smart cars make sense in Europe

Roman pigeons look different


  1. This is Victoria, Jan's sister. I am writing to tell you to keep writing and sending great pictures. I love all your witty comments. I always read any travel articles in the Journal. Did you contact the Journal to see if they are offering big bucks for this kind of thing. I definitely think you can go big time. I will have to get Jan to forward new stuff to me. VA

    Okay Jan here. I am a little incensed about your comment re: lack of comments. I think you should have stipulated except Jan & Larry. I have tried to be faithful. Please continue, do not punish the few for the masses.
    Oh by the way, I did forget to comment on the pigeon doing his business on you, do you think that may have been the Budda's getting back at you? Keep-em comin'. We love following along on your fabulous adventure. Love J&L & VA

  2. Dermot + Cecilia,
    I'm so excited that you are back on the road again so I may live vicariously through your pics and stories. I wasn't sure when you were off again so I just noticed that I am behind a couple of weeks. Judging by the clothes you are wearing in your photos - Europe is not quite as warm as SE Asia. Don't stop the blog - i look forward to checking it every morning.

  3. This is such an amazing adventure. Your pictures let us live vicariously. Thank you

  4. Que buena vida! Diviertanse y sigan paseando de lo lindo! Las fotos estan a todo dar. Que buena salio la camarita que encontraron en el baul de los recuerdos. Reciban muchos cariños. Mini
    PD: Today (May 15), we are going to Victoria.
