Monday, May 30, 2011

Munich... History, Churches and Autobahns

Germany, the land of no speed limits... We had our first experience driving on the Autobahns here; it is a very strange experience when you are doing 135 klms an hour and cars are passing by you as if you were standing still... I have been praying hard in all of the Churches for Hertz to exchange my Fiat for a Porsche, but no luck so far.

The scenery on our drives has been nothing short of spectacular, especially with the excellent weather we have been having, we feel so lucky to be able to experience this beauty together.

The weather was much better in Munich than what we left behind in Salzburg... it made it a little more comfortable to move around and it was another real treat of a city. We arrived on Saturday morning and  the streets were so alive, we haven't seen that many people in the streets in a long time and we enjoyed the madness to the fullest.

The Germans definitely love their sausages and sauerkraut, we tried a couple of their sausages... Ce really liked them, but I love the Irish sausages and I'll be having some when we get there in June.

They have some of the most amazing churches and cathedrals in Munich, very different styles from what we have seen in the past.

Internet has been a bit spotty, so we are a little behind in our posts. We arrived in Zurich, Switzerland yesterday... We will try and put up a post before we leave tomorrow.

Signing off,

Derm & Ce


1 comment:

  1. And how much time was spent in the Hofbrauhaus?
