Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ceasar's we thank you for what you have given us!

Today we spent the entire day in the Colosseum and Il Palatino... and what sights they were. We had no presents from birds and Ce didn't lose me on the train, which was a real bonus.

Nero We Thank You

Nero We Thank You Again

Tonight we plan to go and discover a nice little restaurant in the outskirts of Rome to savour a nice dinner and a bottle of vino.

As promised, here's the post of the pictures of our adventures today, we hope you enjoy them.

It's on to St. Paddy's house tomorrow.

Take care, all our love.

Signing off,

Derm and Ce

A picture of the plan view of the Colosseum


  1. Wowser! Larry is however not sure about Rome, he thinks its in ruins. LOL

  2. I sincerely hope you took your grand opportunity to play gladiators.
