Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Oh Paris... we will miss your Beauty!

Wow, what a great end to our trip in Paris... We spent some time going to visit those last minute things that we had wanted to do before we left. The boat trip on the River Seine was superb as was the trip to the top of the Eiffel Tower... this is the only way you can see the immensity of this beautiful city.

Goodbye Paris... We loved our time with you!

Ce, Gigen and I at his restaurant Fiorentina in Paris
Where is North?
Last night we finally got to have dinner at 11pm in our favourite restaurant in Paris, it's a small restaurant with excellent Italian and French food, so when you are in Paris you have to visit it.  After dinner we got back to our room and packed... final bedtime 1a.m.... and and and we were up to catch trains and buses to the Beauvais airport at 4:30am... needless to say that we were a little exhausted on our arrival into Rome. We took it easy by only spending only four hours walking around enjoying a couple of its awe inspiring sights... but more on that in our next posting. I just have this feeling that there won't be any empathy nor sympathy coming our way soon...... you meanies!

Ce and I have been married a long time and we truly are discovering loads about each other, "how romantic" you may say, for instance, if I were to trust Ce's directions we would be somewhere in the middle of Afghanistan by now with Ce saying, "I think we take a right up here", and here I am totally in control of the situation because I'm the one with the GPS in my hand... and Ce asks, how do we still manage to get lost?

Enjoy the photo's friends and stay tuned for Rome, city of the seven hills.

Signing off,

All the best.

Derm and Ce

Ce practicing for Parisian of the year part 1

We got the bad news that Irish Passport holders need not apply.

Patriotic Ce

How long do I have to stay here?

We can't get enough of the E' Tower

What one can create with pairs of hands

The opera house after my performance... no crowds, they
all left before I finished

The music academy where our son in law might be invited...
Ce and I never!

Paris from the Eiffel series

Paris from the Eiffel series

Paris from the Eiffel series

Paris from the Eiffel series

Paris from the Eiffel series

Paris from the Eiffel series

Paris from the Eiffel series

Paris from the Eiffel series

A Miraculous feat of Engineering

Don't worry, Derm and Ce are
here to save you

Don't complain about the amount of
Eiffel pictures, just bring your  camera
when you get to see it

Spiritual Dermot

A wonderful photo that Ce took, she's developing a great eye

Watch out Ce 
What a poser!

I'm starting to like this posing business

We have a good lawyer, don't worry

 Another fabulous photo that Ce took... great touch Ce

Great shot of the bridge Ce

Partners in crime and everything else


  1. Wow! What a view. You should enter some of your photos in the Facebook contest. Have fun. Later love J& L

  2. Wonderful! I especially love how the shadow of the Eiffel Tower stretches out across the city. Matthew is a bit dubious as to whether he'll be extended an invitation to attend a Parisian music academy, but that's France's loss anyway, hey? ;-)
