Monday, May 30, 2011

Zurich... we've enjoyed our stay

From the day we arrived in Switzerland we have been treated terrifically by the Swiss, what helpful, kind and generous people they are. It was a joy for us to be able to communicate easily; most people here can speak French, German and English.

To give you an idea: we arrived in Zurich, checked in and brought up our packs. We then headed straight to get the tram downtown, we needed to get some info on the lines and the quickest way to get around. We stopped the first person we passed and he gave us loads of information and got us on the right track. When we arrived at the station we discovered that we had no Swiss Francs to use in the ticket machine... Oops! My fault. An old lady informed us that while you can use Euros here, the machines won't accept the coins. So we asked the bus driver, where we could exchange money in order to get on the bus? A local girl said: "that there was no place to change on Sunday except at the main train station downtown," she then offered and exchanged 10 Euros for us to get on the Tram. There are many many more examples of how good people have been here, so thank you Switzerland and all of the other places we have visited, we have been very lucky to encounter such great people.

Zurich is such a beautiful city with such stunning views of the Alps, unfortunately, with the hot weather there was quite a heat haze and it was hard to get a clear shot.

Oh a little story: today after climbing approx. 200 steep steps to get to the top of the tower of a church when we got down we discovered that I did not have my Tilley hat. I couldn't believe that Ce didn't have it, so it must have been where I left it... at the top of the tower. We both had a chat and I ended up calling the complaints department to inform them that Ce wouldn't go back up to get it... Needless to say, the complaints department wasn't open so I had to go back up and get it myself... where's the justice in this world!... just because I was the one to forget it... isn't there something that addresses this in a marriage contract? Something like: "Thou shalt retrieve your husband's forgotten goods".

Tomorrow we head off to Domaso, Lake Como in Italy to relax for a couple of days.

All our love to everyone.

Signing off,

Derm & Ce

P.S. Ce here, there is an absence of comments on the blog... love to hear from you.

Ducks are not welcome... settle down just passing through!



  1. Que bonitos sitios y el clima parece estar bueno.
    Muchos besos

  2. I know what would have happened if Rhonda left her Tilley at the top of the Tower :)
    We have been enjoying your wonderful adventure and look forward to catching up with you two when you are back.
    Cheers........mike & rhonda

  3. Good Day,
    Not sure if its my computer or what. Could not send comment from Ipad? Anyway pics look great. Salzburg....singing in the rain. Cool chess board.Loved your dress Derm in the Sound of Music. Now you know you can be a puppeteer as your street performance. Munich... Amazing churches, and whats not to love about sausage. Not sure if I would be crazy about the speeds on the autobahn, can you drive 50km? Zurich...glad you found the people so hospitable. Oh and yes Derm I think there is something in the marriage contract,something like...Thou shalt forgive my husband when he is forgetful and expects the wife to compensate for his stupidity LOL. Drive safe, smell the flowers, enjoy your experience. Love J & L

  4. How many kms have you logged on your Porsche (sorry, cross that out) FIAT? I'm amazed at how much territory you have covered!

  5. Hi Cecilia, Retha here. I am reading and am truly enjoying the pictures, but not replying, sorry. I told Daniel yesterday that we have to save to do a trip like this as well. It looks like so much fun and the places are absolutely gorgeous.

  6. Hey Ce & Derm,
    Are you enjoying your down time? I sure hope so. I am glad to see you are taking time to just sit back and rejuv. Also wanted to check to make sure you are both feeling okay? re: ecoli in Germany( other parts of Europe). That kinda of shit is scary. Soon heading to Greece. I'm not sure if you send photos if I'll be able to follow, I will be too jealous, my heart will ache too much that we are not there with you. It is a rainy day here so other than painting some fence boards in the garage, I get a reprieve today, yahoo. Okay my sweets, hope all is well. Love J & L
