Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Lakes of Northern Italy

We have really enjoyed our time here around the lakes in Northern Italy. We spent most of our time in Domaso, on Lake Como and what a great place it is. We stead in an apartment in a beautiful old house... the pictures of the gardens and the house are below.

We have been asked to give some statistics on our trip so far, so here are some of them:

  • Distance travelled thus far 3200 klm's
  • Countries visited thus far 5, 3 more to go on this trip
  • Distance travelled in Tunnels through mountains 100's of klm's that seemed like thousands
  • Average highway speed 130 klm's per hour
  • Average weather 23 Degrees Celsius
  • Number of days of Rain 4
  • Number of day of Sun... all the rest
  • Highest price paid per litre of Diesel 2 Euro
  • Lowest price paid per litre of Diesel 1.37 Euro
  • Most expensive country, Switzerland
  • Most reasonable country, Italy
  • Best wine, Italy... especially their Pinot Grigio
  • Best food, Italy
  • Best coffee, Italy
  • Best meat, Austria
  • Best Highways, Germany, Italy is a close 2nd.
  • Most deadly roads, Italy
  • Craziest drivers, Italy
  • Most road construction, Austria and Germany
  • Best drivers, Austria
  • Favourite country visited, Italy
  • Most distance walked in one day 18 klm's
  • Average distance walked daily 10 klm's
  • Coldest place experienced at night... the mountains of Amalfi
  • Combined photo's taken 4,800
We are just about to pack to go to Assisi where we will spend two night's before returning the car to Rome.

Stay tuned,

Signing off,

Derm & Ce


  1. GM,
    OOh, that looks like a lovely spot for R & R. Larry thought some of the lake pics looked like Kelowna. Good idea to send the stats....interesting. So Italy would be the place to go hey? How can you go wrong if the food and wine are great! It is cold and wet here, some areas have received snow, I don't think in the city though. Have fun. Later Love J & L

  2. Lake Como reminds me of inner BC scenery as well. I saw these photos last weekend and, while we had lovely weather here and finished up our pretty garden balcony, I was suitably envious. Sometimes it's hard to comment without saying the same thing over and over again: It's beautiful! It's fabulous! Fantastic!; but seeing as how you've failed to put up pictures of homeless people's nostrils and dirty toilets I will have to continue searching out synonyms for your photo sets.

    We love you.

  3. Nena, justo hemos enmarcado un rompecabezas del Lago Como y lo pusimos en la terraza.
