Friday, June 24, 2011

The last word the West of Ireland

It was so sad for us both to leave the West of Ireland, both to leave our lovely family and the beautiful landscape... We'll be back soon!

To say we are enjoying Ireland would be the understatement of the year... Spending time in the North and the West has been a fantastic experience, it's so easy to forget the beauty here, but being back you quickly rediscover the rugged magnificence of the landscape.

We are currently in Dublin spending a couple of days with our family before heading off to Spain to visit with our family there.

Our trip is quickly coming to a close and what a trip it has been... France, Italy, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Greece and Ireland you have been so good to us, we will not forget the tremendous time we have had... but don't worry, we'll have a couple more blog updates before we finish our trip.

Until then, take care.

Signing off,

Derm & Ce

Ce warming herself up on the rocks

Enjoying time with our beautiful family in the West of Ireland

Of course there's enough room for two cars!

Hard to believe there are such magnificent beaches
in Ireland... we just need more sun to enjoy them

What exquisiteness!

The Roundstone Tower

Steak Anyone!

Ce is fascinated with blackhead sheep

Ce doing her share of the heavy lifting

It's our road too!

Just strolling along

Share the catch with us... pleeeeaaassseeeee!

They lost their GPS

In a Pub.... good crack with the locals with a bit of a sing song

Stone walls to keep us out

Good graffiti

My usual trick of messing up the strap on my camera

Anyone like to buy us an Abbey?

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! Don't those beaches look spectacular! Looks like not a sole around. Would love to be there. Oh now Derm, we all know its you that has the fascination with the sheep, don't blame it on Ce. Baaahave. See you pretty soon. Love J & L
