Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Did I mention that Cecilia LOOOOVEEES IRELAND?

And here we are in the Emerald Isle... and we brought the good weather with us.

We arrived in Ireland from Rome on Monday and after a long day of Travel we were exhausted. We picked up our rental car at Dublin Airport and got on the road to Northern Ireland. We are currently in Carrickfergus and we spent all day yesterday visiting castles and ruins here and in a small town called Larne.

The weather has been sunny, but there is a wind that could cut you in half. Today we are off to Bushmills to visit Giants Causeway after that we are off to Donegal and then down to visit with my sister in Ennis.

Ce is in love with Ireland and the people here... and the food.

At the moment, I am sitting on the bed doing the blog and Ce is washing a few clothes in the sink of the hotel, which is totally against the rules... I tried to tell her to follow my example and obey all the rules, but it was a waste of my breath.

Well, on we go... having a great time.

Signing off,

Derm & Ce

Ce, getting too close to the crossbow lad

Ce, getting out of the lockup

As close as Ce came to driving


  1. Top of the mornin to ya,
    Looks quaint and lovely. Ireland is another place I would love to go. Although I do dislike intense wind. Loved your photos of Greece etc. The weather here has been wet the last week, so we are having your Ireland soaking. Are you getting anxious to get home? or are you still enjoying the travel? Miss you. Take care Love J & L

  2. Wow that picture with the outlook post in the background taken through the window must be enlarged and framed. It is absolutely beautiful.

    I hope the wind stops and the sunshine stays for the last leg of your trip and please bring some of that sunshine this way with you if it holds. It feels like Vancouver here lately with all the rain and grey skies.

  3. i keep trying, and trying to post a comment. Lets see if this works... you both look wonderful - have been enjoying your travels. Not writing much on this one- as these just dont seem to work for me - If it works - well then finally after months of comments - I will be a genius - may need to find a kid to help me post
