Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Northern Ireland... A Dream!

Today we took the coast road from Carrickfergus to Giants Causeway and it was really impressive. The roads are a bit dodgey at times but all in all the Irish drivers are very good especially on narrow roads.

We had to dry some clothes today, the ones that Ce washed in the sink this morning... and our car came with a built in dryer, new manufacturers called the back seat and the back window, they worked very well and the clothes were dry in no time.

Ce is no longer nervous about driving on the wrong side of the road, probably something to do with visiting Bushmills today;-) I think it will require a surgical procedure to remove Ce from Ireland... she just loves it here.

The weather has been holding up really well, but again, the wind could blow the ba!!x off a brass monkey.

We had the most delicious burger in a small little village today, there is a picture of Ce in the restaurant.... yum yum... we want to  go back there. And for dinner we had fish and chips at a small little take-out place... and guess what? WE ate them in the car... there was enough food to feed a small village so we didn't eat half of it. After we finished we noticed that the car stunk of fish, I explained my story to Ce; if they tell me I smell in the hotel, I will tell them that I got attacked in the street by a Cod Fish... and then I asked her, what's your story? She told me, "after hearing your story I don't think they will bother with mine". Honestly, Ce was worried about bringing back the car with the smell of fish and chips, but I told her not to worry, because they have no smoking signs in the car and if the didn't want fish and chips in the car they would have put up another sign saying so.

Enjoy the photo's... next stop Donegal... and Ce says, "no comments, no blog".

Signing off,

Derm & Ce

Ce wasn't even nervous about going across this bridge
S.E. Asia got her in the daring mood

A very nervous sheep.... We loovvvveee youuuu bahhh!

The bridge in the middle that Ce walked across

Ce, in her favourite Tea House... what a burger!!


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  1. Hey Derm and Ce,
    Great pics. I can't believe all the places you have been - it really is amazing. I appreciate your blog - it makes me wish I was getting on a plane right now.

  2. Cecilia I like that picture of you clinging to the rock on the "edge of a cliff". Interesting the illusion one can create by changing the angle of the camera. I guess that is what the hollywood stars do too in the movies

  3. My caption for the photo: " Looks by the smiles they have reached the pot of gold."
    Here is a little Irish humor for you.
    Mrs. Donovan was walking down the street in Dublin, when she met up with Father Flaherty. The Father said "Top o' the morning to ye. Aren't ye Mrs. Donovan, and didn't I marry ye and yer husband 2 years ago? Aye that ye did Father. The Father asked and be there any wee ones yet. She replied no not yet Father. The Father said well I'll be going to Rome next week ( to Bless Ce & Derm) and I'll light a fertility candle fer ye. Some years later they meet again. The Father asks any wee ones yet? She replied Oh yes Father 2 sets of twins and six singles, ten in all. Thats wonderful said the Father. How is yer loving husband doing? She replied E's gone to Rome to blow out yer f...kin candle. LOL. What out for the leprechauns. If you see one, bring it home. Have a ye old blast. Love J & L

  4. So, it turns out Ireland is beautiful - who knew? As always the photos are gorgeous, and I especially liked the fish & chip story. I definitely agree with you, Dad: if the rental car place doesn't want the vehicle to smell like fish & chips upon its return, they really ought to say so . . . .

    Who cares about economic problems? Move to Ireland immediately so I can come visit. Just make sure you also have a summer villa on Lake Como. Okay, thanks!

  5. We want to know...... Did the sheep have reason to be nervous? Larry's caption is ... When Irish skies are smiling. And the winner is????? Oh by the way I really don't like the fact you have to approve the post before it is displayed. I like instant gratification. For all the blog followers I have inside info that Ce & Derm are awarding a prize for the person/people posting the most comments. So get your comments in, as the trip is drawing to a close. Love J & L

  6. Oh! I think you have a grand idea Ainsley. Ce & Derm can move to Ireland and we can go and visit. We won't out stay our welcome..... we promise. The appropriate length to visit is what 3-4 months. LOL. So did you have to pay a fine for the car stinky like fish? Just so you know it is still raining here.... hopefully by the time you get home summer will arrive. Later Love Jan
