Saturday, June 4, 2011

Assisi... What Spleeennndour!

We chose to cut our trip in half from Domaso to Assisi so we stayed in Bologna overnight, we didn't get to see much of it, as we started out on our drive to Assisi very early. The roads to Assisi were very good and what a spectacular view of the city when you arrive... it is just perched on a mountain and we were awestruck when we saw it.

We are staying in the mountains 7 klm's from Assisi in a place call Agriculturismo Nizzi, what I didn't realize when I booked it, is that it required us to drive right through Assisi to get to our place. It was like driving through Grafton Street, Dublin during the day with the Christmas Rush, for the whole drive through the city we kept saying to ourselves, "this can't be right!" but yes it was... and quite unnerving.

After our arrival we drove back into the city, and the closest legal parking we could get was 2 klm's away... no bus service here to the mountains, but we enjoyed ourselves immensely here... what history!

Tomorrow we return our car to Rome and then we go straight to the airport to go to Athens, Greece.

Stay tuned, with the economy in Greece we don't know if the internet will be similar.

Hey Jan, what's all this about EColi?... we never heard anything about it! So I guess we're ok;-)

All our love,

Signing off,

Derm & Ce


  1. Wow, some absolutely amazing shots. The stone work looks incredible, and is it just me or is everything super clean? I want to thank you guys for taking the time to post all these lovely photos. I think some of these are my favorites. I love the one at night with the gnome looking creature in front of the light. LOL. Re: the EColi, google it if you can, it has been a problem in different areas. Don't want to alarm you or anything, but it has been an issue. Hugs and sloppy kisses J & L

  2. Hey Ce,
    I forgot to add, looks like you got a spiffy new do. Looks great. xxoo

  3. Hi Cecila and Derm,
    I have been adding comments - but I guess I need a kid to show me how to post - loving your pictures - you both look like you have tapped into the fountain of youth -
    I hope this finds you -
    Loads of love, Suzanne and Gordo

  4. Wow! Like Jan said, I think these are some of the best photos as well! I especially love the historic value of this being the birthplace of one of my favourite saints as a child. The scenery is gorgeous, and the photographs, while marvelous, I'm sure don't do justice to the beauty you're seeing. You both look great and I miss you like crazy. Hopefully we can get in touch one of these days...? I'll try you again tomorrow; Dad, I'm usually not up at 0130, and if I am I'm certainly in no position to be taking calls! ;-)

  5. one more time - I swear if I had a kid - this would not be this difficult -
    Loving all you pictures - loving all the stories and you both look super happy

    Take care and miss you
    Lots of love
    suzanne and Gordo

  6. This is beautiful pictures. Is the picture with the brick building and the table and chairs outside and the round globe lights the hotel where you guys were staying? Anyways it looks very romantic. I am surprised to see that there aren't many flowers. There are trees, but not a lot of flowers. Seems to me that even way back in history the people in cities were used to living with concrete walls and not much nature within. That is different from here where we all want a piece of soil, doesn't matter how tiny to plant a flower or two, or then just a lawn for some.
