Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Berlin, Berlin... What a History!!

Berlin, Berlin... What a History!!

Well we spent 3 days in the good auld land of Berlin and our feet are finally adjusting to the walking.

We had a wonderful time staying with Darran and Ivoni while also visiting the sites of Berlin... of course there was a little eating, drinking and a lot of laughs involved... thanks again Darran and Ivoni.

A literal depiction of "eating your own babies".
Berlin is a very interesting city that is quite the smorgasbord for the senses while the people seem so easy going for a big city... nobody was in a hurry anywhere.

Stay tuned for updates from Poznan.

Police Photo - they really do it in style here!
Derm & Ce
East Berlin with colour

No smiling permitted, we're in East Germany
Under the influence of Darran's and Ivoni's vino spell

I'm getting worried about Ce fondling the statues.

You have to see it to believe.

Right before we had lunch in a restaurant behind this Cathedral
And the Angel looked down on Ce
and said, "thou' shalt be Queen".

The Jewish Memorial

Romancing at the gate.
This is my new DAD!

The bell tower.
The propaganda machine in full swing.
The amazing art on the Berlin Wall.
Cecilia's new teacher
The Jewish quarter

Modern Berlin

Lunch time with a view

1 comment:

  1. Looks like some amazing sights. Great way to spend your bd weekend Ce. Happy belated wishes. Enjoy your trip. Love J & L
