Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Welcome to Torun, Poland

If there is a God, it's the God of Construction... Welcome to Torun, Poland.

We took a taxi from Torun Galowny station to our hotel, when we were outside the hotel the taxi driver  forgot to put on his handbrake and we were literally watching the car roll away while we were taking our our backpacks... a very interesting unloading episode.

What can we say, this is life... today we spent the day roaming the city of Torun and what an amazing city it is... quite simply, a spectacular feast for the eyes. We started out this morning with a good breakfast in our hotel and then headed to the centre where we were floored by the stunning architecture, especially the facades of the buildings. We had lunch in a pizza place on a side street off the main tourist area, english again was in short supply, so ordering was a bit of a challenge, I don't know why I revert to spanish when people don't understand english!? Well, we walked and walked and walked and at this point I'm doing the blog in reception and Ce is with her feet up watching a horror movie. (Mama)

We went to a wonderful Polish restaurant last night and had superb food a couple of shots of surprisingly good Polish Vodka... Grey Goose eat your heart out!

Highlight of the day: while we were walking today Ce stopped a lady with a pram and asked to take a photo of her baby... and she let her... I don't know who is crazier the Polish or Ce!!

We continue with our trip tomorrow by taking the train to Warsaw... by the way, we found a decent wine shop today and we have a couple of bottles to spend a nice evening together.

Until our next blog in Warsaw.

Derm & Ce

I love it here!

One of the entrances to the old city.
What a sight to behold.

Ce having a religious moment.

One of the many side streets.

Another side tour.
Good Graffiti

The holy water in this church burned
Ce's fingertips.

There are so many of these interesting
walls throughout the city

Near where we stopped for a pizza lunch.
Art everywhere.

Into the evening.

I'll leave this one to your imagination.

Feeding the lions.

Who could leave this beautiful place.

Time for a glass of vino.

Sunny but windy.

Our beautiful Polish restaurant. We're enjoying our Vodka
after a delicious meal.

Stay there Derm!... just one more photo.

Amazing side streets with hardly a soul around.

No new hall door for you Ce, it just won't fit!

This is the street where we discovered a wine shop... Yummy!

Our pizza stop... with a glass of wine of course!

A church we stopped by and the organ player was playing
Bach's tocatta and fugue in D minor, it was a delight to
listen to and a real bonus to the day.

Can you believe that Ce asked to take a
picture... the first stage of madness I'm sure

1 comment:

  1. Once again, some great pics. Like you said Derm, doesn't look like hoards of people which is nice. I think the fact Ce asked to take a photo of the baby, means she is ready to be a Grandma again (not madness at all). Hallelujah!! a wine store. Your prayers in the church were answered. xo Jan
