Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Poznan, Poland

Hello to all Welcome to Poznan, Poland.

Poznan is such an amazing feels like we have visited Cinderellaville.

Everything went very well except for an incident where a drunk didn't like us looking at him from the balcony and chose to throw a stone at us... a little disturbing but one of those things that can happen when you travel.

Polish people in general keep to themselves, it's hard to come by anyone that speaks english in the smaller places... but we manage to get by with sign language.

The food is great here as is the Vodka, which they drink a lot of.

Here are some of the sights.

Next Stop.... Torun.

Derm & Ce

Beauty at every turn.
I'd like a yard like this.

Empty streets for the Murphy's to enjoy.
One of the fantastic churches in
the area.

Stunning... the photo doesn't do it justice.

This is why we love to travel.
I might go to church if they move this to Edmonton.
The buildings look like a hollywood set.

Yes, people actually live in these buildings.

Stop thinking of speculating Ce!

If you're in Poland don't miss this.

Let's buy the Red One!
An architects dreamland.

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