Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Krakow: the last word

We finished up our trip in Krakow with a visit to a lot of churches and a few bits of sight seeing along the way. We are so happy to have visited such a great place.

We are now in Prague, we'll update our blog on that tomorrow... Ce is saying no comments no posting... she's winding me up as per usual.

Signing off.


A visit to the local market

No mula here

You have to admit they do it in style

Amazing really!

Silver and Gold
as George Carlin says, "we have a
God that can't manage his money, that's
why he keeps asking for more"

An excellent photo by Ce

Dalmation Horses

Ce flirting with the locals

A feast to behold

I want to take this with you in it..
at your command!

Confession boxes old style,
We've nothing to confess... Honestly

You'd better believe

Another outstanding photo by Ce

Just hanging around

Mini, we now know that you do have a bank account in Switzerland

Mind numbing good


  1. Well Dad I know where you spent all your time in Krakow. Were the confession boxes comfortable? Did you have enough time to go through all your recent sins, or will you have to go back and finish it up?
