Friday, May 20, 2011

Venice, the City of Romance... life, don't you love it!

We arrived in the city of Romance on Ce's Birthday... you couldn't ask for a better place to celebrate it. It's so surreal seeing all of the buildings here surrounded by water... all that you see is one feast for the eyes after another.

We were staying in a small B&B in Tessera about 20 km's from Venice and we have moved to a Agra-Tourist Farm, it is very scenic and quite beautiful but in the same area, it was a very good option for us to extend our stay by 2 nights in order for me to visit the Islands of Venice, while Ce learns to plants some seeds and take care of the land and the animals.

Our drive here was very interesting, (as always, the Italians are loony on the road) but the mountains offered unbelievably spectacular views... we have never been through so many long (I mean long) tunnels in our lives.

Weather has been excellent 18 - 26 degrees during the day and we're enjoying ourselves to the fullest.

Stay tuned for more on the Islands of Venice in our next blog.


Signing off,

Derm & Ce

P.S. Jan, ween yourself off blog addiction slowly by only viewing 10 pictures per day.

The many mask's of Venice

Ce's first photo in Venice, Birthday or not you get to keep
the backpack

Italian's casually having a drink outside...
no patio required

Ce, enjoying the Birthday

A Venice Canal by Night

Design Ideas

Glorious weather
Churches upon Churches

A designer's dream come true

Venice the city 1

After Ce's Birthday, we got a free night accommodation

Really depressed people in Venice

My daily performance for Ce
Practicing to be a Real Street Performer...
Positive feedback greatly appreciated
No Photo's Allowed... OH NO!!! Now we're busted
It wasn't me that took this... the Devil made me do it!
My hand doesn't listen to rules... sorry!
The night of Ce's Birthday... I can't remember if we drank
any wine that night

Venice the city 2

Venice the city 3

Venice the city 4

Ce trying her hand at begging... stick
to accounting Ce!


  1. Como se llama la ONG que financia todos esos viajes? Ciudad que van uds. ciudad que termina inundada.Que camara estan usando?

  2. Derm, veo que te animaste a manejar, es otro feeling, cuando manejas los tiempos, pero como decia mi viejo te pierdes algo del paisaje, asi que si quieren la proxima, voy de chofer.. ja ja

  3. Looks spectacular, I think I'm in love. Although I think with all that water you should have been wearing water wings. Naughty Derm taking photos when not allowed. I wonder if you will get more massive pigeon "shite" dropped on you !
    I am sure you would entertain the crowds as a street performer, either that or get more "free" accommodation . All our love J& L
