Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Czech Republic, Kutná Hora

We arrived at Kutná Hora nice and early to take in the superb sights with the highlights being the Seldec Ossuary, (church of bones) and St. Barbara's church.

The Sedlec Ossuary is a small Catholic church, located beneath the Cemetery Church of All Saints in Sedlec, a suburb of Kutná Hora in the Czech Republic. The ossuary is estimated to contain the skeletons of 70,000 people whose bones have been artistically arranged to form decorations and furnishings for the chapel. An enormous chandelier of bones, which contains at least one of every bone in the human body, hangs from the centre with garlands of skulls draping all around.

They began construction of St. Barbara's Church, the cathedral like church below, in 1388, work on the church was interrupted several times and it was not completed until 1905. Work on the church was interrupted for more than 60 years during the Hussite Wars and work resumed in 1482. The original design was for a much larger church, almost twice the size of the present church. Construction depended on the prosperity of the town's silver mines, which became much less productive... the main reasons for the completion in 1905.

We're back in Dresden now... a little sad that we're almost at the end of our trip.

Hope you enjoy the photo's.

Derm & Ce.

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