Thursday, May 29, 2014

Nagymaros and Visegrád, Hungary - We're so happy to have seen you!

Today we got off to a late start, it was like a comedy of errors, we had to sort out our little electrical problem and my phone card ran out of money and charge so we were in the dark for a while... no pun intended.

First thing in order was to top up the money on our phone card, to our surprise you can't fill a German sim card in Hungary you have to get a new sim card with a new number... lovely! To cut a long story short, we got the phone sorted out and had our breakfast at about noon and raced to get our tickets to Nagymaros we then literally sprinted to catch our train... it was like watching something from the amazing race.

Visegrád is a small castle town in Hungary, our plan was to hike up to the old ruins which you can see on the top of the hill, these plans had to change because of our late start. From Nagymaros we took the ferry across to Visegrad and we walked and visited all of the very interesting ruins throughout the town... it was a spectacular visit and What a Day to remember!

Signing off.

Derm & Ce

The ruins at the top of the hill was our original plan
and the late start prevented us going up... next time.

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