Thursday, May 30, 2013

Prague - The Dynamite City part 2

Yesterday we got a little wet with the full day of rain we had, but what sights we still got to see despite the weather.

Our visit to the Prague Castle was beautiful, the rain kept people away and we felt like we had the place to ourselves. By 3pm we felt like two ducks so we decided to make it an early finish to the day.

We are heading out early today to visit more of the sights here as the rain seems to be holding off.

The sights we've seen brought to mind a childhood poem that I love, the beautiful land on Nod by Ella Wilcox

Come, cuddle your head on my shoulder, dear,
Your head like the golden-rod,
And we will go sailing away from here
To the beautiful land of Nod.
Away from life’s hurry, and flurry, and worry,
Away from earth’s shadows and gloom,
To a world of fair weather we’ll float off together
Where the roses are always in bloom.

Just shut up your eyes, and fold your hands,
Your hands like the leaves of a rose,
And we will go sailing to those fair lands
That an atlas never shows.
On the North and the West they are bounded by rest,
On the South and the East by dreams;
‘Tis the country ideal, where nothing is real,
But everything only seems.

Just dropp down the curtains of your dear eyes,
Those eyes like a bright blue-bell,
And we will sail out under starlit skies
To the land where the fairies dwell.
Down the river of sleep our barque shall sweep,
Till it reaches the mystical isle
Which no man has seen, but where all have been,
And there we will pause for awhile.
I will croon you a song as we float along,
To that shore that is blessed of God,
Then ho! for that fair land, we’re off for that rare land,
That beautiful Land of Nod.
Stay tuned for our final postings.

Enjoy the photos,

Signing off.


A hotel well protected

Wet... but enjoying every minute of it

Just a normal street in Prague

Ce just signed the papers for our new house

 A tough job

A lack of tourists... we love it

Yip... it's raining again

It would be worth a trip to Prague
just to visit this church

The entrance to the Cathedral

Inside the Cathedral

We had a coffee and a warm brandy in the yellow building

Just another minor detour

Prague from a height

While walking down to the Castle

The Castle itself

The rat is officially drowned

Prague - The Dynamite City part 1

We arrived in Prague 2 days ago and what a feast it has been. We would put Prague along with the best cities in Europe, to name a few; Paris, Venice, Florence and Rome... it may be hard to believe, but in our opinion, it is so.

The trip from Poland to Prague was very comfortable, but you could tell when you crossed the border from Poland to the Czech Republic, it was similar to transitioning from a communist country to a capitalist one.

On our arrival we had to barter for a Taxi, (very cheap),  we could have taken the public transport but we didn't know how secure it was. We can tell you now that Prague is very safe, of course you have to be aware of your surroundings and use your instincts as you would be in any foreign country.

We cannot begin to describe how beautiful and breathtaking Prague is, every corner you turn around is another distraction, even to look back is a distraction... we have gotten ourselves lost more than 4 times so far... thank you to the GPS God for putting us back on the straight-and-narrow.

We must have walked 15 klm's yesterday and let me tell you we were exhausted... but, we still had enough energy to cook up a delicious chicken curry for dinner.

We want to dedicate this post to our friends and family, you know who you are, we are so lucky to have you as part of our lives.

All our love.

Derm & Ce

What can we say! Mini, Larry,
 Jan and Larry we wish you were
with us at this moment in time

Another spectacular view, or as  my good friend
Fico would say, "un rompe cabeza"

Ce in all her Glory

Look at the details

How Magical, it looks like fairyland

Ce can't believe what she's seeing

The entrance to our apartment

The doorway to our apartment

It's cold and rainy... and on we go!

Just another sight... how beautiful

I couldn't resist this photo

Another detour

If only we could attempt to paint our house something like this

Another of one of our detours,
and how magical it was

Poor Ce, she looks a little lost... or, overwhelmed

and Jesus said let there be beauty

And beauty was created
One of the most amazing pieces of art we have ever seen

This is the ART and Poetry in Motion!!

The sad thing is, this is the norm

There does not exist better travel
partners, maybe there is an exception with
Mike and Rhonda... we don't like
competition :-)

I insisted on adding this photo

The streets contaminate you with the
constant invitation to roam freely... bastards!!

Could you imagine having this
as a mother in law?

Happy in the downpour

And God said let there be.....

And your opinion is?

Did you notice that building on the right?

Rolex, eat your heart out!!!!

And... And... And... what else do you want to see!!??

There has to be at least, good energy

Where we had a beer to enjoy the sights

20 steps to our apartment

Yet another detour

Just a normal photo of spectacular beauty

At this stage we were very damp

Happy to be here... rain, hail, sleet or snow

Oh my GOD!!

Cold but thirsty.... Salud!

More beauty than anyone deserves to see

People picture of the day by Ce...
she's getting to have a better eye than
me for photo's... I have to kill her!

And you may ask yourself... how the hell did I get here!?

No need to comment!

Ce  will add her lock... Guaranteeeeeeed!