Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Beach Time.... well that's enough of that... and off we go!

Well, it was our intention of spending some time at the beaches, but as many of you know Ce and I are not much for the beaches so we decided to skip them and head on to things that interest us more.

Tomorrow we have a flight from Nha Trang to Hanoi and we will use that as our base to visit the other areas of Vietnam that we want to take in.

The time we are having here is exceptional, we have had so many wonderful experiences that we could almost write a book, but with the little time we have left we needed to make the most of it by taking a few flights.

Sorry it has to be so short and sweet... and perhaps out of sequence on this blog but we have to be up very early to catch our flight.

Signing off,

All our love

Derm & Ce

Me getting settled in on the sleeping bus to Mui Ne

Main street Mui Ne

Ce doing a little bit of shopping

Are you talking to me or chewing a brick?

Heading out fishing

Ce relaxing outside of our room

Nice restaurant, but terrible food

The local harbour 1

The local harbour 2

The local harbour 3

Our hired Jeep having a little trouble

Beautiful scene

The woods 

I won't mention the heat

The sand dunes 

The sand dunes

The sand dunes

Another beautiful scene

Enjoying ourselves

River walking

River walking

Along the river

Along the streams

Little things that pinch while walking in the river

Watch our for the leeches and snakes Ce
The sand dunes surreal and mesmerizing

Fishing time

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys,
    Glad all is going well. Yes I can totally see you skipping the beach, sounds like if you did hit them you would probably fry like little crispy critters. Once again photos are awesome. Larry thought one of the sand dunes would make an awe some jig saw puzzle. Hey Ce, are you getting excited..... Shopping time is getting close! Just thought I would give you a little update with the weather here. Guess what! We are still getting snow. We may skip spring and go right into summer..... Alberta. Hope the feet are holding up. Take care Love Jan& Lar.
