Sunday, March 20, 2011

We left a piece of our souls in Cambodia.... Now we are welcomed by the Vietnamese

We have left Cambodia and have reached our first stop in Vietnam, Ho Chi Min. Our boarder crossing went very smoothly, what we could not believe was that the border between Vietnam and Cambodia (on the Cambodian side) was not unlike Las Vegas with high-end casino after casino. 

We arrived at Ho Chi Min at 9pm and there were very few hotels available in the area, so we stayed in a very gothic original hotel on a very busy street; great people at the hotel but not an ideal spot to stay... so we moved on the next day.

The traffic in Ho Chi Min is some of the craziest we have ever witnessed; Ce has to depend on my madness to cross the road as she refuses to look. The way it works is, you start walking and the traffic moves around you and you don't stop crossing or someone "will" hit you.  Ce had her first bad experience crossing the road last night when a motorbike driver didn't follow the rules and came very close to hitting her... Ce had some dynamic spanish language to share with him. Speaking of which, we witnessed our first accident a couple of days ago, two motorbikes crashed and the people got up picked up their bikes and drove off, as if it was an inconvenience... it was a little bizarre.

Yesterday we got really lost by taking a wrong turn, I haven't been this lost since I got lost with my brother Martin in Cordoba, it was a little easier there as you don't experience the language barrier as often; what was a little ironic is that we happened to be outside one of the top end hi-fi stores and I just had to go in there to ask directions, anyone who knows me knows that I could spend hours in there.

The one thing that always amazes us here in S.E. Asia is the way the streets morph themselves into something completely different at night, it is always so exciting to see such vibrancy in life. We are enjoying the parks, museums, art and street life here in Ho Chi Min, but are glad to be moving on tomorrow morning away from the hectic city heading for the peaceful sand dunes of Mui Ne.

Signing off,

Derm & Ce... still having the time of our lives!

All our love.

No end to the action on the street

Marketing is everything

Waiting on the ferry

On the ferry

Riverside living

The ferry

The local motorbike sales showroom

We just loved this scene

Ce smiling at the border between Cambodia and Vietnam
although we were very sad to leave

Bye Bye Cambodia

Welcome to Ho Chi Min

Scene on the street

I really had to talk Ce into getting into this and she finally
embraced it

Our drivers were great sports

See how much she loved it

Ce and I taking shelter in a local temple from the rain

Goodies that the Vietnamese kept after the war at the war museum

If Ce were to have a gun this would be it

There are some lovely parks in Ho Chi Min

Ce has moved from lions and dragons to Cats

There are some amazing sculptures

Mother child and I

Practicing for our modelling careers

After coming to the conclusion that our modelling careers are over

This would look nice on our lawn
and there'll be no need to install
a security system

Enjoying the moment

No end to colours and action

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