Saturday, March 12, 2011

On the Road Again… with so much to Learn!

What a mad stifling journey we had from Laos to Cambodia… we booked VIP buses (as they are called here) from Savannakhet to Pakse and from Pakse to Phnom Penh… but nothing is as it seems in Laos ! We got put on a lovely local bus packed up to the max with people who seemed quite pleased to have plastic seats in the isle.,,. it was quite an experience, Cecilia has made her way back to Canada so I will be spending the rest of my time solo in S.E. Asia…. Ha!… anyone who knows Ce would know that would never happen… More on this in the next blog.

Sorry no comments on the photo's this time, hopefully they speak for themselves.

Signing off,

Derm and Ce.



  1. We in this part of the world have no idea how others live their lives! Look like you're having a grand adventure, but with some "moments" you'll never forget! Don't let the bed bugs bite.

    Look after yourselves, and enjoy the experience.


  2. Ola Ce & Derm,
    I guess when you get home you'll sell your vehicles seeing as how you are getting to be experts at local transport! I hope you didn't stay at the Hometown Hotel, imagine no weapons,drugs,child sex, or the big one for you Derm no cooking. Be safe guys. Love Jan & Larry

  3. hello you crazy kids!
    Wow - your adventure just makes me appreciate what I have even more. I'm with Jan - Hope you didn't stay at the Hometown Hotel. Stay safe, Love Suzanne
