Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Wild S.E. Asian World … where anything goes!

We arrived in Phnom Penh two hours late in pitch dark and we had to find a room to stay… it was a very very interesting… let’s just say, “we survived the experience!”.

Cecilia and I are really enjoying ourselves here, we have found a couple of good restaurants, laundry and a couple of good shops to buy our daily bits and pieces.

Sometimes we get little tours of the city, for example: a couple of days ago we told a tuk-tuk driver we wanted to go to the “Lucky 2 Guesthouse”…  (Nothing but the best for us!)   He brought us to the Lucky Supermarket, the Lucky  Market, the Lucky Restaurant, the Lucky everywhere… except where we wanted to go… nevertheless we arrived in one piece and we enjoyed the bonus tour.

In Cambodia it’s not unlike spending the day in a Picasso Gallery and then trying to figure out an Escher Sketch at night… what entertainment! A couple of nights ago we took a wrong turn and ended up in an unsavory area, the wonderful thing was, we came upon some local lads playing a game of Cambodian Chess… what an interesting game! We watched the game and then found our way back out to normality… a great experience for us both with the locals whilst coming out with our clothes.

Cambodia so far so great and what a great city Phnom Penh is!

We arrived in Siem Reap yesterday... we will fill you in on our next blog.

Signing off.
Derm and Ce.

It was tough negotiating, but
who can negotiate with someone
so disarming

Life at night... never a dull momemt

Ce waiting patiently for me
Hi Ho.. it's off to work we go

Special licence required
Walking to work
Dedicated to house the bones of the mass graves
of the Killing Fields... this occurred during the
Pol Pot regime of agrarian socialism (the genocide
of over 1.7 million people from 1975 - 79)
Inside the building
The killing fields of Cambodia
Someone who really wanted to join us
The Killing Fields
The mass graves that were uncovered in the killing fields
The Killing Fields Museum
Creative transport 101
Normal life
The local cinema
Street level beauty parlour (seriously)
A day in the life 1
A day in the life 2
I think there's still room on top
The local seamstress' shop
For all the Xerox peole
A bottle of gas anyone... $1.10 for a coke bottle full

A high class tuk-tuk
Enjoying a nice cold beer before dinner... only 32 degrees outside
Our Cambodian Chess Players
Our local family laundry... and they do a great job
Our local street barber... Ce is going to get styled there soon
Everything is a valid vehicle here
Morning traffic... just sit back and enjoy the fun
A feast on every corner
Local bike repair shop
Part of the Royal Palace
Inside the Royal Palace
Enjoying a moment

Outside the Royal Palace

The two-face spire
More scenes from the street
Life on the street

What character she has, the dogs are wiped out with the heat
Cooking and selling boiled eggs on the street
Normal small town life
Steak... yummy!!
It's only overloading if someone falls off.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys,
    Looks wonderful. I don't know if you checked your telus email, but I sent you one in regard to a place my sister stayed in Siam Reap. It's called La Noria Hotel. This is were they stayed to see the angkor temples, so I don't know how long you are planning to stay, but hope that info is helpful. They really enjoyed the place.
    This was about 5 years ago. Hugs Jan & Larry
