Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Siem Reap... Paradise We Have Found You!

We arrived in Siem Reap on the early bus on Monday (6hrs. from Phnom Penh). We unpacked and went for a quick bite and had a little rest. We left to see the sun setting on Angkor Wat and what a sight it was; the last time we have been so impressed was our first visit to Machu Picchu... It truly is overwhelming to see so many beautiful ruins, you could almost say it was close to a religious experience. We decided to spoil you with a few extra photos on the blog this time... there are just so many.

We got up very early Tuesday morning to be out there for the sunrise... just amazing! One thing is, you cannot really be there 2 - 5 p.m. otherwise you will cook like an egg on a hot rock (a mild 36 degrees yesterday)

Funniest moment yesterday: we were buying water at a kiosk in Angkor Wat and Ce tried to invade or crush an ant hill so the ants fought back nibbling at her toes and Ce did the Angkor Wat jig. (and I missed another great photo opportunity)

Outside our hotel there is a vendor who sells cow tongue, pigs ears, chicken and pork feet, and every organ that you can thing of, pre-cooked, so you just pop it in the microwave... hmmm... maybe we'll get some take-out instead of a restaurant today!

We didn't mention how sore our feet are as we have our doubts that there will be any sympathy or empathy coming for us in the mail.

These photos don't do justice to the expanse and beauty of this place... enjoy!

Signing off,

Derm and Ce

All our love to our friends and family

Local welcome party for the Murphy's
What a sight
Ce, made it to the top...  it wasn't easy for me
Our brothers
Good shock therapy


Ce in her glory
Me in my glory
Fields of Gold
Wall carvings
The last wall carvings cover the entire length of this hall
You need a lot of time just to take it all in.
Ce climbed up something this steep
We only want one
In good old black and white
Glorious everywhere
We want to come back here
You have to see it with your own eyes

Ce giving herself some luck
Indian influence

Hide and Seek
I'm in Love

The God's are smiling at me
Faces, faces and more beautiful faces

Elated to be here

One of my favourites of the day

The Buddha's just keep getting bigger

Ce's new home
My new home

Not for purchase

You have a husband Ce!
Ce almost losing it on the ruins

I can do that too!

Ce adapting to the Buddha ways

Incredible tree roots 1
Incredible tree roots 2
I'd look good as a Buddha
What trees!
Incredible roots 3
Making friends


  1. Top of the morning to you, a very Happy St. Paddy's Day
    Glad you are having such a wonderful time. Looks magical. Thanks for taking the time to send all the wonderful photos. Later Love Jan & Larry

  2. Happy St. Patrick's Day! So, how hard do ye think it'll be to track down a pint of the black stuff?

    Your photos, as always, are marvellous. I've been excited for the Cambodian leg of your journey; Karen and Sharon both went separately in recent years and it's nice to marvel, yet again, at the ravenous structure-devouring jungle. I imagine it's a bit eerie in person; nature always wins!

    The both of you look fantastic and it's fabulous to see you having such a wonderful time.

