Friday, May 24, 2013

Warszawa... we have arrived!

Warszawa... we have arrived!  This post is for our good friends and family, you know who you are... and we love you to bits.

We were in Torun railway station yesterday and received our first warning from an old lady, she was telling us to watch out for the thieves and not to leave our backpacks on the ground... she probably knows better than us about the dangers that go lurking behind every corner... fortunately, paranoia and travel don't go very well together.

The train was a little late and it was bloody freezing cold on the outside platform, when we got on the train it was a very welcomed warmth.

Highlight of the day: we were on the train feeling a little tired and Ce, to be careful, set her cell phone alarm for 2pm just in case we went for a little nap. Well it turned out that we mistakenly believed that we were arriving at 2:13pm but not understanding polish we misunderstood the time we bought the tickets to the time of arrival, which was at 1:13pm. We had just woken up and we were in Warsaw.... close call.

We took a taxi from the airport and the cab driver told us that the road we were staying on was closed and he could drop us off close, but not at our building... Well we discovered that we didn't have the actual number of the apartment that we had rented, but good auld Ce found it and I called the lady to let us in.

After picking up some groceries to cook a beef curry with chips and the makings for a chicken pasta tomorrow, we are now cooking up a storm,  of course Ce is chopping and I'm cooking... where's the justice in the world. :-)

Today was bitterly cold and rainy, we felt like two freezing ducks when we got back to the apartment, nonetheless, it was a great day as always, and we enjoyed every minute of the time we spent here in Warsaw, rain or no rain.

By the way, Ce made me make perogies today... she just couldn't resist!

Tomorrow we are heading off to Krakow.

Until then.

Derm & Ce

Before the rain came.

A picture from outside our apartment.

Cold but still before the rain.

What a feast!

Touristy but beautiful nonetheless.

I bought something Derm.

Spotlessly clean Warsaw.

Too good to pass up this moment.

The rear of the buildings look almost
as good as the facades.


Ce wishes she was a child soldier.

Remarkable buildings.

What the old town Warsaw looked like after WW2.

Drowned in the rain.

Our start to the day... before the rain.

Someone has to figure out where we're going.

The storm cometh.

There are so many sights like this, they almost become commonplace.

The storm is here.

Where do I get one of these?

1 comment:

  1. Hi from Alberta,
    Raining here today as well....we need it. Appreciate all the lovely photos, hope the sun shineth down on your traveling toes. Cheers!!
    J & L xo
