Saturday, February 19, 2011

Buddha for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner...

Well here we are on our travels to Ayutthaya, it was a brilliant experience... once we got picked up! We were suppose to be picked up  by 6:30 a.m. and they arrived at 8:30 a.m., when we called, the first person told us "there was a bad traffic jam", then we switched drivers half way and he apologized for being late and told us "that the transport had broken down", when we finally arrived we were told that "they were sorry for forgetting to pick us up"... Thank Buddha we are seasoned travellers and we don't sweat the small details... our mantra is, "don't worry, everything will work out". 

Ce had the first case of heatstroke today, even though she consumed gallons of water; the heat just got to her and she ended up on the bathroom express.

This evening we are leaving Bangkok by train for Sukhothai and then on to Chiang Mai. We will be visiting Chiang Rai, Doi Inthnont and Doi Suthep.

Signing off.... 
Derm & Ce (the ones that want to eat everything because it smells soooooo goooooood)

He wasn't smiling until we arrived!

In Cecilia's words, "the Thai version of sleeping beauty".

This is what happens to bad Buddhas.

In a word mesmerizing!

Buddha school

We took a bush sculpturing class in the palace, Ce got very good at it.



  1. Hi Derm and Ci, you look like your having a wonderful time, Sorry about your hassel at pick up, im sure you have forgotten all about it now.... CHeers, Happy Travels.

    Lea (ATCO)

  2. Hi guys,
    Yes, I think that is a great mantra to follow. This is now where I throw in some friendly advice, only because I care. Ce why were you not wearing a hat my dear? I could tell from the photos you weren't feeling your best. I loved your bush sculpting. Everything looks fabulous. Enjoy your train trip. Look forward to your next post. All our love J& L

  3. K locura!!! ver esas de la que estaba como la bella durmiente de los Budas... el que estaba como que atrapado ......los arbolitos convertidos en hermosos elefantes!!!! ...Y a Uds se les ve que la estan pasando divino!!!!!!!!!
