Thursday, February 24, 2011

You know you're enjoying yourself when you are in a vast cultural landscape and you lost track of what day and date it is!

What a tremendous day we've had... we went to visit a few small villages about 3 hours outside of Chiang Mai... what an experience! We also got to visit the biggest limestone cave in Thailand as well as some of the tribal people.

It was a spectacular experience seeing all of the scenery and the people... watching them working in the fields, cooking, coming home from school, doing laundry and all the time smiling. 

We don't have too much time right now to fill you in on all the details of the day... I think by the photo's everything will come together.

Tomorrow we head off to Doi Inthanon, the highest mountain in Thailand, it is part of a mountain range separating Burma from Thailand also known as Loi Lar Mountain Range.

We're off now to eat some of that glorious Thai food as we have a very early start tomorrow... what'll it be tonight Ce?

Signing off,

Derm & Ce

Private message:
Hey San and Juan, I think these people received the first copies of that great book ;-)

Anyone interested in investing in leaf roofing in Canada?

To have very little and to be happy... we have a lot to learn...
What's really scary is that Ce was wondering what kind of
dog that was... I had to break the news that it was a pig.

We don't have much but look at the view we have!

Making bamboo rope

What a character! A Polish chap that I got to know on our trip
 actually tried what he was smoking,
he said, " it was strong but very good".

Play time

Under construction

She was giving out to us for not buying anything
I told her, "she couldn't do
that, as it is ineffective to bark
at an Irishman or a Peruvian"... She
understood completely after a little something.

Delivering the siding/walls/insulation for the hut under

Ce taking a keen eye on new investment property.

Fruit of the Gods

Family time

Rice fields are truly something

Workers in the fields

A dragon in a cave

A limestone cave with so many characters... and of course

Ce enjoying the cave

What a scary looking natural formation

The sleeping Buddha in a cave... with no alarm clock

Buddha taking in the rays

Ce, BEWARE of the hand of Buddha

An old temple

Ce and I making friends... we're trading in our dog
for a dragon.

This was truly amazing to see

To feel the weight of these brass rings was incredible,
but to wear them from 4 years of age is shocking... and to
compare neck length... Wow!!

This is the "Big Ear" tribe...
look at the earring

What beautiful people

She is two years older than my

We are still stunned by what
we experienced today!

Ce fell in love with this little girl

On their way home from school

Our very special private guide

Thai food tonight... Yummy


  1. Really enjoying your posts and pictures.....wish we could have been there with you this year but your blog will serve as a wonderful guide for us when we make it over there. Safe travels.........mike

  2. We are thoroughly enjoying your adventures.
    Keep up the good work Tio Dermot; Tia Nena is looking like she is having stupendous merriment.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Those pictures are portentous. Your adventure sounds marvelous. We are utterly enjoying your prodigious adventure. Safe Travels!!!

  6. Que belleza los lugares combinan con Uds.

  7. Se ve que la estan pasando super...ya voy

  8. Comadrita!! te keloo me encanto verlos ...las fotos super cheveres!!! la de la boa jaja!! con solo verte y la del elefante !! INCREIBLE!!!! te envie mi comentario con mi correo ...parece que no lo hize bien.... a ver si este te llega Un abrazote como la de un oso para Ti y para el muñeco!!!!!

  9. Nenita de mi corazón!!! vi todas las !!!! Super interesantes!!!!!!!!!

  10. Cuñadita!! te extrañoooooooo .... me gustó verloss super interesantes los lugares!!! ...LO DEL COLE DE LOS BUDAS!!!

  11. que tal la comida?..tan buena como los bellos paisajes
