Saturday, February 12, 2011

No Checked Luggage, Two small Backpacks, a Peruvian and an Irishman.

Well, we are almost ready for our S.E. Asia trip, the clock is ticking, and don't worry, all levels of governments have been put on high alert of our upcoming visit.

Our bags are packed, which consists of a 12 lb. backpack for Ce and a 16 lb. backpack for myself... We bought 18/20 litre backpacks (considered a daypack in Hike-Speak)  to eliminate non-essential items that we carry... the only way we could trim this down further would be to revisit the requirement of wearing clothes. It's so liberating to be going away for over 7 weeks with no checked luggage, I read somewhere "there are only two types of luggage, carry on and lost", although I very much doubt that there will be no checked luggage on our return to Canada.

Cecilia and I have both agreed that if there are any issues on our trip that we will use the travellers complaint hotline, which is open on Mondays from 9:00 a.m. to 9:05 a.m. ... apparently they are very very busy and change the number frequently.

The first leg of our trip will be in Thailand for approximately two weeks, tune in for photos and experiences from our first stop in Bangkok... We will do our best to update the blog every few days but we will not be filling up your mailbox with notifications every time we update it.

Derm and Ce.

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