Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 3 in Buddha-Land and loving every minute of it!

Rivers, Temples, Buddhas... Unbelievable... you have to see it with your own eyes as the photo's don't do them justice. 

Well we were so tired after such a long day in the heat yesterday we came back to the hotel at 6:30 lay down and didn't wake up until 2 a.m., needless to say we missed the night market... we'll go tonight to experience it.

Today was a great experience for Cecilia climbing up the temple stairs to pay her respects to Buddha, the  only problem being Cecilia's fear of heights and steepness... to be honest it was just a little scary for me as well.

The plan today is to do a day trip to Ayutthaya to visit some historical ruins. We were suppose to have our tickets for the bus trip faxed to us but as yet they haven't arrived... No worries... welcome to Thailand.

Derm & Ce 

A typical market at 8am
Life by the Chao Phraya river

What a great long-boat trip

More life by the Chao Phraya river

Bangkok city skyline

High Class Dining by the river.

The Buddha's keep getting bigger

If I spend too much time here I may find religion


  1. Thanks for sending the great pics, we almost feel like we are there too. Love j& l

  2. Preciosuras!!!!! como estan??? con esto del terrremoto aca estoy super preocupada pensado en vosotros!!! escribe !!! cuidense

    Cariñossss y un abrazo gordo !!!!!!
