Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Welcome to the Land of Buddha

After a quick half day visit to Tokyo we have arrived in Bangkok. Tokyo was very impressive and our experience with the Japanese people was equally so... Tokyo is so modern it can make you feel you are living in the second world.

On our arrival in Bangkok our first task of the day after our hotel check in was to hire a tuk-tuk to haul us around ($15 per day) ... a tuk-tuk is a way to truly appreciate Thailand style driving and to become accustomed to the heat, 34 to 36 degrees with 85% humidity... the positive side is that they have very good beer and all you need are shorts, t-shirt and sandals..

We headed down to an agency to start the process of our visas for Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos and then began our visits to the magnificent temples.

Today we are heading out on a long-boat river tour and then going to visit the night markets later in the day. The food and the people in Bangkok are absolutely wonderful... it is so fantastic to be in such a beautiful place.

Until our next blog.
Derm and Ce


  1. Hi you guys. Looks like you're off to a great start on your adventure! I hope your travels turn out great, and that you stay safe. They are definitely having some issues with some very radical groups in southeast Asia right now. Keep your heads up, and come back in one piece OK?

    Levi & Eliz.

  2. Glad to see you arrived safe and sound. Make sure you come home that way. Photos are great, keep them coming. Love Jan & larry
