Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Chaing Mai... We heard you calling and we are here!

So we arrived in Chiang Mai safe and sound after checking in to our hotel it was go, go, go. We started our street wandering through the city and what a gem it is.

My head is still a little sore from my fight with the metal bar the other day, and we can honestly say that our feet are starting to feel like leather.

We had some fabulous food in a little Thai restaurant... needless to say we'll be going back there as we are three more days in Chiang Mai.

Tomorrow we are going to visit something that we have always wanted to see... so tune in for the highlights.

Signing off,

Derm & Ce

Family transport Thai Style

I just love the architecture here

Who needs a dog with one of these at the front door

Nice to have your own personal dragon

If Buddha moves out we're moving in

We'll have to settle for a miniature one Ce

Amazing work

I think we all should have a dragon like this

1 comment:

  1. Good day to you both.
    Glad to see all is going well, other than your encounter with the metal bar Derm, you must have really been slagging Buddha. Hope you are enjoying the heat, but you are missing some incredible -30(with wind chill ) days here in good old AB. Love the fact we can keep updated with your blog. Safe travels love j&l
